Pantelleria is a Slow Sicilian Island

If it is said that every man is an island, it can also be stated that every island is a universe in its own right, a microcosm made up of peculiarities, well-defined and above all distinctive characteristics. Fragile and strong territories at the same time, distant (not too much) from the mainland but still different from it. An alterity that becomes a source of pride when it is made up of traditions, knowledge, and products capable of making each of these realities unique. And here comes into play the valorization, the will to preserve, the commitment to pass on all those elements that create an identity: the foundations on which the conduct of Slow Food Sicilian Islands is based, of which Pantelleria has just become a part.


Slow Food Sicilian Islands is a group of individual and small island communities that recognize themselves in a single entity, despite being distant from each other and separated by the sea. The project is part of the international network "Slow Islands," which unites, following the principles of Slow Food, all the minor islands of the Mediterranean, and in Sicily, it started from the Aeolian archipelago, originally involving Salina, Lipari Vulcano, and Filicudi. The main objective of the conduct is the recovery of the territorial identities of each territory, including local knowledge, cultures, and crops.


Today, Pantelleria has also become a member of the Slow Food Sicilian Islands Community, with the intention of safeguarding some characteristic products of the island that are in danger of extinction and strongly reaffirming the sense of belonging to a place rich in history and traditions. The promoters of the initiative are some genuine Pantescans: teachers, chefs, restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, deep connoisseurs of Pantelleria, so in love with the territory and its peculiarities and excellences that they have decided to create a network that can give value to the past and traditions, to preserve them in the present and for future generations.

A real work of recovery of knowledge and flavors that will become protagonists of events in the area, putting at the center of the scene Pantelleria's typical products and its agricultural tradition - just think of the capers of Pantelleria and the zibibbo grape.
At Abitare Pantelleria, we fully embrace the philosophy underlying the initiative, demonstrating our concrete commitment to disseminate every initiative that will be part of the project.

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